about David Benoit

Author and teacher David Benoit has spent over 30 years working in global evangelism. He hosted a 3-hour daily radio talk show in Dallas called “Families On The Line,” and guest hosted for “The Watchman On The Wall” show on Southwest Radio Church, a nationwide radio program which delved into current events and how they related to biblical prophecies. He has authored four books on the occult including “Fourteen Things Witches Hope Parents Never Find Out,” “Who’s Watching the Playpen?,” “Disarming the Powers of Darkness,” and “Entertaining Spirits Unaware.” He has been a featured guest on local affiliates for CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS as well as on TBN. A graduate of Liberty University, he is currently co-teacher for the Pastor’s Class at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia, previously taught by the late Jerry Fallwell. He co-teaches the class with Dr. Elmer Towns, the co-founder of Liberty University.